Thursday, November 11, 2010

Off to the Races

So, January 1 2010, my New Year's Resolution was to lose 40 pounds. April 2010 I started a 3 month boot camp . . . and put on 10 pounds. October 17 2010 I ran my very first half marathon. For 6 months I worked my way up from not being able to run a single mile to jogging 13.1 miles in a single stretch. I jogged them slowly. 11.5 minutes per mile to be exact. But I jogged them. However, I am the EXACT same weight I was back on January 1 (and the same pant size, etc).

I am not going to call 2010 a wash. I accomplished something that did not seem at all possible when I started out on my very first jog. Didn't even seem possible when I made it up to 7 & 8 miles. But I did it . . . with the most amazing support crew cheering me on.

Justin got up with the kids every day for 6 months so I could go running (without ever complaining . . . not one single time . . . despite my constant complaining). And when I crossed the finish line Zachary & Mackenzie were cheering "go Mommy go" and holding up signs for me. Chuck & Mary Ann drove 400 miles to watch the kids so I could run my race and they too were waiting for me at the finish line.

So, for my amazing pit crew, I start this blog.

I want to be around for The Long Haul. I want to see Zachary & Mackenzie graduate high school & college, get married and have kids of their own. I want to get healthy enough to enjoy a long, happy life with Justin.

Not sure what this journey has in store for me. I need to lose weight. I need to find exercise / activity that helps me feel happy. But I don't have strong convictions in any particular path. Once upon a time I tried The South Beach Diet . . . but this year that didn't work for me. I like meat & dairy (yum yum yummy ice cream) so I don't think we are headed down a vegetarian or vegan route . . . but I do want to work on making our menu healthier.

I want to set goals that help me feel proud of myself. A half marathon was beyond what I ever expected of myself . . . but in the end wasn't thrilled with my time. My 1st goal this year is to sign up for a couple of 10k races. I'm hoping that the race on the calendar will keep me motivated to work out. And I'm hoping to improve on time rather than distance this time around. I want to get a 5k down to 30 minutes and possibly a 10k down to an hour.

Mostly I want to keep moving in the right direction.