Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mental Block

This was a rough week for me. I was alright in terms of food & exercise . . . and even in terms of weight loss. I hit 190 again from the other side . . . which is fantastic because it means I am down 15 pounds from my starting point. However I hit a little road block in terms of depression hitting 190 again.

I've been tracking my food into the logger each day along with my weight and exercise. But I was also doing that last year while I trained for my marathon. So when I looked at the weight change report for the week, it registered 0 lbs. lost (since I was sadly at 190 the day I ran my 1/2 marathon last year too). It was really discouraging to realize that a full year ago I was at 180 when I decided to lose weight. Then during my training for the 1/2 marathon, I gained 10 pounds to hit 190 . . . and in the 6 months since my race I gained another 15.

So losing 15 pounds this month doesn't even put me back at the point I originally decided to work on this issue. Boo. However, I'm trying to come around that I did lose those 15 pounds and am 2 pounds into the next 10.

I'm going to keep going as is to hit 180 . . . and then I think I'm going to kick it into high gear. I think we will do 2 weeks of South Beach Phase I AND work on increasing my exercise in order to speed past 180.

But I have to be careful. My depression knocked me off the wagon for a couple of days this weekend when I ate junk (and too much of it). But I'm back on track and still managed to lose 2 pounds this week. Not impressive, but not an increase either.

So, here we go again. Today was also my first jog with my new jogging stroller. That kicked my butt. But Kenzie didn't tantrum this morning. So that was a definite improvement over recent runs. However, I was huffing by the 2nd block. I definitely need to get better at running with the stroller too.

Monday, March 28, 2011

On the Right Track

So, I've been trying valiantly to get my caloric intake down and my exercise up. It is extremely slow going . . .

But, I am down 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks and I was able to jog 1.5 miles this morning without stopping. It wasn't pretty (and neither am I still) . . . but progress is being made.

I also started a 100 push up & 200 sit up program with some friends on facebook. This was the start of week 2. I'm very embarrassed to say I'm not even on the chart yet. I'm having to do the very beginner program with girl push ups (on my knees) cause I can't even do 1 regular push up. But hopefully after 6 weeks of doing the program this way I will be able to start over and do it with regular push ups too.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Never Again

For a couple of years now, my weight has hovered between 180 & 195 . . . but I have NEVER crossed to the 200 barrier . . . until now. Last week I not only hit 200, but sped right past it to 205. I think that is what scared me into finally kick starting my diet & exercise.

It only took a week, but I'm solidly back under 200 (at 196) and NEVER want to be there again. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I'm embarrassed about that fact. The pictures in Florida made me realize that I have been rationalizing my weight . . . and really I am on the same path as my mom & sisters - heading straight toward obesity.

Dieting is not proving easy for me this time. Making food for the kids constantly has found me mindlessly tossing munchies in my mouth. But keeping a food log has kept me mostly honest so far. I'm a week in and doing alright.

We went out to dinner for the first time last night and I was prepared. I looked up the restaurant before we left and picked out a meal so I wouldn't even have to open the menu. Then I one upped myself by ordering a half salad instead of the full I had picked out. But then I did myself in by eating a piece of Justin's pizza and the rest of Kenzie's mac & cheese. So a step in the right direction (by picking the meal in advance), but still need a couple more giant leaps that way (NOT eating the left overs).

I also started the 100 push up & 200 sit up programs this week. Today will be day 3 . . . we'll see if I can use those programs to work on strength & core building in addition to my jogging & pilates.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Starting from Scratch

So, I know that I have 50 pounds to lose . . . and that is a gigantic and overwhelming undertaking. But I didn't realize how challenging I would find the exercise component this time around.

Last year, I failed to lose weight . . . but I attributed it to over eating. In October I ran 13.1 miles and was feeling pretty fit, despite the extra weight. But this morning I ran 2 miles . . . and lets just say that the "run" very much resembled a "walk".

It took 30 minutes to go 2 miles . . . which is just embarrasing and further emphasizes this need to get in shape. I wend Oak to Main to Alameda . . . then took Beachwood back to Oak back home.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Read, Set . . .

Well, I started this blog in November . . . then promptly headed home for Thanksgiving, back up North for 2 weeks at Christmas & New Year's, came South to buy a house on January 7th. That resulted in moving on January 15th and flying to Florida for a 2 week vacation January 29th. We've been home for 3 weeks now and FINALLY I am revisiting my resolutions to get healthy.

Today is March 6th and I went for my very first run of 2011. I mowed our lawn for the first time today and I felt good being outside in the sunshine doing physical labor . . . so I changed into running clothes and took off.

It wasn't pretty at all. I went 1.4 miles in about 20 minutes . . . but I haven't run at all since October. So that is to be expected. I had to stop and walk a couple of times which is embarrassing. But I did it and I guess that is the important thing.

I went out to visit my Grandma yesterday and was inspired to get started. Grandma Petersen is 90 years old but looks fantastic and is going strong. I need to get my act together so I can cash in some of these Petersen family genes (and jeans).

I am extremely overweight. Probably the heaviest I have ever been. 200 pounds. I want to get that down between 150 & 160. So I have a long way to go. The current plan is to jog 3 or 4 times each week and try to do a work out video every single day (that way when I miss days it won't be such a big deal).

I also need to get eating under control . . . but that is actually a much bigger hurdle for me.