Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mental Block

This was a rough week for me. I was alright in terms of food & exercise . . . and even in terms of weight loss. I hit 190 again from the other side . . . which is fantastic because it means I am down 15 pounds from my starting point. However I hit a little road block in terms of depression hitting 190 again.

I've been tracking my food into the logger each day along with my weight and exercise. But I was also doing that last year while I trained for my marathon. So when I looked at the weight change report for the week, it registered 0 lbs. lost (since I was sadly at 190 the day I ran my 1/2 marathon last year too). It was really discouraging to realize that a full year ago I was at 180 when I decided to lose weight. Then during my training for the 1/2 marathon, I gained 10 pounds to hit 190 . . . and in the 6 months since my race I gained another 15.

So losing 15 pounds this month doesn't even put me back at the point I originally decided to work on this issue. Boo. However, I'm trying to come around that I did lose those 15 pounds and am 2 pounds into the next 10.

I'm going to keep going as is to hit 180 . . . and then I think I'm going to kick it into high gear. I think we will do 2 weeks of South Beach Phase I AND work on increasing my exercise in order to speed past 180.

But I have to be careful. My depression knocked me off the wagon for a couple of days this weekend when I ate junk (and too much of it). But I'm back on track and still managed to lose 2 pounds this week. Not impressive, but not an increase either.

So, here we go again. Today was also my first jog with my new jogging stroller. That kicked my butt. But Kenzie didn't tantrum this morning. So that was a definite improvement over recent runs. However, I was huffing by the 2nd block. I definitely need to get better at running with the stroller too.